Effect of fillers on the fire retardancy of intumescent polypropylene compounds
作者:Almeras, X, M Le Bras, P Hornsby, S Bourbigot, Gy Marosi, S Keszei, et F Poutch
发表:International conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation 82, no 2 (2003): 325 331. doi:10.1016/S0141-3910(03)00187-3

The effects of fillers (talc and calcium carbonate) were investigated on polypropylene /ammonium polyphosphate/polyamide-6 (PP/APP/PA-6) intumescent system by using mechanical testing, LOI method, cone calorimetry and thermoanalytical techniques. Calcium carbonate and talc affect the fire protective properties of PP/APP/PA-6 system in different ways. It is shown that talc induces an increase in the Young’s modulus and a decrease in the elongation at break. Calcium carbonate leads to a decrease in the elongation at break, but there is no improvement in the Young’s modulus. Talc increases fire protective performance due to forming a ceramic like protective shield at the surface, whereas calcium carbonate decreases it because of a reaction with APP. Effects of talc and calcium carbonate were furthermore investigated on PP/APP/PA-6 system by measuring Rate of Heat Release (RHR), Total Heat Emitted (THE), CO/CO2 evolution and residual mass. Results are interpreted by means of decomposition, chemical reaction between components and formation of a protective shield at the surface at ignition.
Intumescence 膨胀型;
Fire retardancy 阻燃性;
Polypropylene 聚丙烯;
Polyamide-6 聚酰胺-6;
Ammonium polyphosphate 聚磷酸铵;;
Cone calorimetry 锥形量热仪;
Talc and CaCO3 滑石粉和碳酸钙
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